Thursday, October 31, 2019

Human Resources Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Human Resources Report - Essay Example Moreover, concentrating on evaluation of a training process it can be stated that it is referred as collection of data in a systematic manner, which helps the trainers to conclude the effectiveness of training program. The main objective of the trainers is to evaluate whether the training contributes towards reaching the overall organizational goal, implementing policies and enhancing the organizational learning (Mavin, Lee, and Robson, 2010). The various methods of evaluating the effectiveness of learning, training and development and the limitations of the methods are also depicted in the report. In an organization, managers have different perspective of the management of people. The two approaches towards management are the unitarist and the pluralist approach. Therefore, the two methods are employed for understanding the different perspectives of management. The effect of the approaches on the physiological contract is also studied in the report. Physiological contract is defined as the unwritten expectation of the employer from the employees. Recruitment is the process of attracting quality candidates to apply for the vacant positions, whereas, selection is the way of determining who is best suited for the job among those who have applied for the available positions. Thus recruitment and selection is the process of searching and hiring the most suitable person for the job (Doornenbal, Stitselaar and Jansen, 2012). The process of recruitment includes giving advertisement for the vacant positions, attending career fairs, connecting directly with people and many other ways. Selection process involves conducting written test to evaluate the aptitude of the candidates; taking their interviews and seeking information about them by contacting the references (Doornenbal, Stitselaar, and Jansen, 2012) At first, a job analysis is conducted in order to determine the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Of Morality and Spirituality Essay Example for Free

Of Morality and Spirituality Essay The moral sacred Philippines started from a dream, and now that it continues to progress it can be one good evidence that as long as someone believes in an idea, it can be possible. As long as its aim is for the goodness of the citizens, it can be a reality. This concept does not want to create a world of perfection but rather a world of morality and spirituality. That world is where we can clearly distinguish the right ones from the bad. It is where we can not only think about ourselves but also the community, the government, and the nation. This dream can all be possible if we just go and believe that the land where we stand can be a better habitat of mankind. From Genesis 1:27, God created mankind in His own image. This verse proves that each of us is spiritual at heart. We just have to go and find the path through our hearts. We are created in His likeness which gives us the realization that all living things have something good in the inside. If we believe, make something to make this work, the moral sacred Philippines will make sense. A. WRITING AS A SOCIAL ACT The event connects with how writing can be a social act. In the said event, one does not only think about himself but also for the people around him. As for writing, a writer does not only write for him or for him to understand but also for his readers and audience. You write alone, but you always write for others. Readers matter. Once a writer sets his or her thoughts to any medium, whether paper, blog, status update, there is the potential for audience interaction. Ideas and creativity are created outside ourselves. Writers can never be more creative without the experiences and thoughts the people have. They continue to interact with people. Writing is a social act. Writers choose to see the beauty and brilliance of the world around them. Writing is nothing without the world and mind that surrounds them. B. WRITING AS A MORAL ACT Morality and spirituality is what the event focuses on. As for writing, writers do not only write everything that flows from their thinking, he must be careful. Something that anyone who writes words of any kind would do well to remember. Words have their moral consequences. The responsibility is particularly great for writers who deal with spiritual issues. Every word they write leaves its mark upon their soul and upon the souls of those who read their work. Their words may become sacraments, visible signs of an invisible grace, or they may turn to poison and ashes. It may signify the abyss or nothing at all. Writers must strive against mediocrity in one’s work, aiming always higher for lucidity of thought and beauty of expression with still being careful with the words they use. Every piece they make has an effect in this world. They are part of our moral conversation as a society. They weigh in. The creation of literature worthy not only its high artistic calling but of his stature as a creature created in the image and likeness of God.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Critical Analysis Of The Constructivism Method Politics Essay

A Critical Analysis Of The Constructivism Method Politics Essay This essay attempts to provide an overview of constructivism in international relations theory; traces back its origins through writings of some scholars ,particularly Alexander Wendt . It sheds light on prominence of constructivism as a challenger to the mainstream international relations. It first lays out the basic tenets of constructivism and examines their implications on opening new substantive areas to inquiry, such as the roles of gender and ethnicity, which have been largely absent from international relations approaches. Having defined some of the core features of constructivism as an approach, the article examines constructivism as theory . This will be conducted through applying theory functions on constructivism. In addition , the essay shows some of the critiques of constructivism from realist and post-positivist point views. Finally . It concludes with the fact that constructivism is not independent and full-fledged theory but a theoretically informed approach to the study of global politics. Key words: constructivism, ideas, identity, norms, culture, beliefs, social construction anarchy. Constructivism provides a good method, but a poor theory. Discuss. Until the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the debate between Neo-realism and Neo-liberalism has dominated the discipline of International Relations; materialism was the building blocks of mainstream international theory. For neo-realists, the principal determinant of state behaviour is the distribution of military capabilities among states, consequently anarchy and the distribution of relative power drive most of what goes on in world politics. (Copeland 2000:187) .Neo-liberals also saw state interests as essentially material, even if they did posit the importance of international institutions as intervening variables.( Rues-Smit 2001:224). Thus, societal analysis in international relations scholarship has been marginalised. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the writings of Alexender Wendt (1987, 1992), Friedrich Kratochwil (1989) and Nicholas Onuf (1989) established constructivist ideas, a genuinely radical alternative to conventional IR. Although a relatively new approach to IR, constructivism has returned international scholars to the foundational questions, including the nature of the state and the concepts of sovereignty and citizenship. In addition, constructivism has opened new substantive areas to inquiry, such as the roles of gender and ethnicity, which have been largely absent from international relations approaches. (Mingst 20004:74) By reimagining the social as a constitutive realm of values and practices, and by situating individual identities within such a field, constructivists have placed sociological inquiry back at the centre of the discipline. Aided by the momentous changes that attended the end of the Cold War, and also by the ongoing process of globalization, the constructivists interest in the particularities of culture, identity, interest and experience created space for renaissance in the study of history and world politics. .( Rues-Smit 2001:226) Constructivism as an approach Constructivism is about human consciousness and its role in international life (Ruggie 1998). Constructivists focus on the role of ideas, norms, knowledge, culture, and argument in politics, stressing in particular the role of collectively held or intersubjective ideas and understandings on social life. Specifically, constructivism is an approach to social analysis that asserts the following: (1) human interaction is shaped primarily by ideational factors, not simply material ones; (2) the most important ideational factors are widely shared or intersubjective beliefs, which are not reducible to individuals; and (3) these shared beliefs construct the interests and identities of purposive actors (Adler 1997, Price Reus-Smit 1998, Ruggie 1998, Wendt 1999). The core observation in constructivism is the social construction of reality. This has a number of related elements. One is to emphasize the socially constructed nature of actors and their identities and interests. Instead of assuming that actors are born outside of and prior to society, the claim is that individuals are produced and created by their cultural environment. Nurture not nature. (Branett 2001 : 259). In an of-repeated phrase, Alexander Wendt captured the methodological core of IR constructivism: anarchy is what states make of it. There is no objective international world apart from the practices and institutions that states arrange among themselves. In making that statement , Wendt argues that a self-help anarchy is not some kind of external given which dictates a logic of analysis based on realism: self-help and power politics are institutions ,not essential features of anarchy'(Wendt 1992:395) ,(Jackson Sorensen 1999:239) Alexander Wendt argues that political structure, whether one of anarchy or particular distribution of material capabilities, explain nothing. It tells us little about state behaviour : It does not predict whether two states will be friend or foes, will recognize each others sovereignty ,will have dynastic ties, will have revisionist or status quo powers, and so on. (Wendt 1992:395) . What we need to know is identity, and identities change as a result of cooperative behaviour and learning. Whether the system is anarchic depends on the distribution of identities, not the distribution of military capabilities, as the realist would have us believe. If a state identifies with itself, then the system may be anarchic. If a state identifies with other states, then there is no anarchy (.(Mingst 20004:75) A security dilemma , for example , is not merely made up of the fact that two sovereign states possess nuclear weapons. It also depends on how those states view each other; that view is based on shared knowledge. ,(Jackson Sorensen1999:238) In a constructivist analysis, agents and structures are mutually constituted; structures not only constrain actors, they also shape the identities and the interests of them. Thus structures are also defined by ideas, norms, and rules; in other words, structures contain normative and material elements. The challenge, therefore, is to recognize that the normative structure can create agents and that agents can create and possibly transform those structures. (Branett 2001 : 255). According to Alder , constructivisms importance and its added value for the study of international relations lie mainly in its emphasis on the ontological reality of intersubjective knowledge and on the epistemological and methodological implications of this realty. ( Alder1997:322) . Additionally , power can be understood not only as the ability of one actor to do what they would not to do otherwise , but also as the production of identities and interests that limit the ability to control their life. In sum , the meanings that actors bring to their activities are shaped by the underlying culture, and meanings are not always fixed but are a central feature of politics. Constructivism as a theory However, despite of the intellectual vigour that constructivism has fostered, this approach has been criticized. John Mersheimer complains that constructivists put too much emphasis on subjective ideas knowledge: realists believe that the state behaviour is largely shaped by the material structure of the international system. The distribution of material capabilities among states is the key factor for understanding world politics. This means that everything is not uncertain or in flux, says Mersheimer, because the material structure is an objective reality and is not merely intersubjective. (Mearsheimer 1995a:91-92). Although constructivism is deeply concerned with radically changing state behaviour, it says little about how change comes about. It does not tell us why particular discourses become dominant, and others fall by the wayside. And when constructivism trys to point out particular factors that lead to changes in discourse, often argues that material changes drive changes in discourse. So discourse is not determinative , but a reflective of developments in objective world..( Mearsheimer 1995b :42 ). In addition, neo-realists are sceptical about the importance that constructivists attach to norms, in particular international norms. Such norms surely exist, but they are routinely disregarded if that is in the interest of powerful states.( Jackson 2006 ). Moreover, there is no international consensus concerning norms of behaviour in the international system, primary of which is justice and human rights. At the same time, neo-realists are not ready to accept that states can easily become friends due to their social interaction. Such a goal may be desirable in principle, but not realizable in practice, because the structure of the international system forces states to behave as egoists. Anarchy, offensive capabilities, and uncertain intentions combine to leave states with little choice but to compete aggressively with each other. For realists, trying to infuse states with communitarian norms is a hopeless cause (Mearsheimer 1995b: 367). From the post-positivist side, Steve Smith argues that the constructivist view of how ideas and shared knowledge shape the way the actors see themselves in world politics is not sufficiently profound. Furthermore, the constructivist agenda is a rather traditional one, focusing on the interaction of states .There is no place for structure such as capitalism or patriarchy. (Smith 1997:186) Finally, if, as constructivists claim, there is no objective reality . if the world is in the eye of the beholder , then there can be no right or wrong answers , only individual perspectives. With no authoritative texts, all texts are equally valid both the musings of the elite and the practices of everyday men and women. (Mingst 20004:76) Is it a theory? A theory is a based upon a hypothesis and backed by evidence; it presents a concept or idea that is testable. In science, a theory is not merely a guess. A theory is a fact-based framework for describing a phenomenon. In social sciences, theories are used to provide a model for understanding human thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. A social theory has two key components: (1) it must describe behaviour and (2) make predictions about future behaviours. To evaluate a theory, we must verify many conditions: 1- Generalizability: applicability to many times, places, and issues. 2-Empirical validity: accuracy of predictions. 3-Progression: whether it expands to new predictions or degenerates by excessive modification. If we apply these conditions to constructivism, we will find that constructivism is neither specific enough to be testable, nor parsimonious. And it is unclear what factors are cause nor which are effect. It does not prize deductive methods of theory-construction and does not seek to uncover causalities. ( Ruggie, 1998, 52) Constructivism is a different kind of theory from realism, liberalism, or Marxism and operates at a different level of abstraction. Constructivism is not a substantive theory of politics. It is a social theory that makes claims about the nature of social life and social change; consequently it does not, by itself, produce specific predictions about political outcomes that one could test in social science research. (Finnemore Sikkink 2001:393) As such, it is much more and much less than meets the eye. It is much less because it is not properly a theory that can be viewed as a rival to already existing theories. It offers no predictions about enduring regularities or tendencies in world politics. Instead, it suggests how to investigate them. Consequently, it is much more than meets the eye because if offers alternative ways of thinking about a range of issues. (Branett 2001 : 268) However, the debate about basic theory is of course relevant for the constructivist ambition of demonstrating that ideas matter. How exactly is it that ideas matter? Do changes in ideas always come before changes in material conditions? Do ideas guide policy or are they justifications for policy? Should ideas be seen as causes of behaviour in IR or should they rather be seen as constitutive elements that define what IR is all about? Further clarification in these areas is of vital importance for the constructivist research programme. (Jackson 2006). Drawing on what mentioned above, there is scepticism about constructivism .whether it is properly to be seen as a theory of IR theory or as a philosophical category, a meta-theory or a method for empirical research, or whether it is indeed an approach relevant at several levels. ( Zehfuss 2002:9) . In conclusion, constructivism is not independent and full-fledged theory but a theoretically informed approach to the study of global politics. Conclusion Constructivism challenged the disciplines mainstream on its own terms and on issues that were at the heart of its research agenda. (Branett 2001: 268) However, the rise of Constructivism has had several important impacts on the development of international relations theory and analysis; the social, historical, and normative have returned to the centre stage of debate, especially the American core of the discipline. . ( Rues-Smit 2001:225) Constructivisms core assumptions have shaped its empirical research program in several important ways. They have shaped the kinds of questions constructivists tend to ask by opening up for inquiry issues that other approaches had failed to engage. Understanding the constitution of things is essential in explaining how they behave and what causes political outcomes. Just as understanding how the double-helix DNA molecule is constituted materially enables understandings of genetics and disease, so, too, an understanding of how sovereignty, human rights, laws of war, or bureaucracies are constituted socially allows us to hypothesize about their effects in world politics. (Finnemore Sikkink 2001:394). Their claim deserves attention in a world where inflamed passions lead to bloodshed in the name of neither conquest nor class, but instead simply because of who the enemy is: a Muslim, a Serb, a Tutsi, a Hutu, a Catholic, a Protestant, an Arab, or a Jew. Realism and liberalism are not incapable of explaining hatred, but they struggle to account for such widespread violence that serves neither Mammon nor the national interest. (Kowert,Paul 2001). Finally , Constructivism has become a phenomenon in IR not merely because many scholars adopted it , but because a lot of scholars debated and are still debating it .

Friday, October 25, 2019

Othello - Compared To Twelfth Night :: essays research papers

"She loved me for the dangers I had pass'd, and I loved her that she did pity them" (Othello, I.iii 166-167). William Shakespeare’s tragedy "Othello," is pervaded by a dominant theme, one of love. Othello, the Moor of Venice falls madly in love with a woman named Desdemona. They marry and are very happy together. Othello and Desdemona face many trials during the course of their nine-month marriage. The most notable one occurs when Barbanzio, Desdemona’s father accuses Othello of getting his daughter with witchcraft. During a court hearing, Desdemona confesses her love for Othello and Barbanzio is forced to let her go. "I am hitherto your daughter: but here's my husband, and so much duty as my mother show'd to you, preferring you before her father, so much I challenge that I may profess due to the Moor my lord" (Othello, I.iii 184-188) As the course of events shift, Othello and Desdemona end up in Cyprus together. Iago, ensign to Othello, in his lust for power, tricks Othello into believing that Desdemona has had an affair. Othello is overcome by jealousy, the "green eyed monster." "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on†¦" (Othello, III.iii 169-171) In his rage, Othello charges Iago with the killing of Cassio, his lieutenant who supposedly slept with his wife. Othello then plans to kill Desdemona. Even during the course of the killing, Othello maintains his love for Desdemona (although this might seem a contradiction.) He refuses to defile her body in any way. "Yet I'll not shed her blood; nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow, and smooth as monumental alabaster." (Othello, V.ii 3-5)He then proceeds to choke or smother her to death. The theme of love in Othello changed from puppy love, the lighter side of love, to jealousy, the darkest side of love. In stark contrast to the dark and tragic "Othello," is one of Shakespeare’s lightest and funniest comedies, "Twelfth Night." The theme of love is presented in a highly comical manner. Shakespeare, however, once again proves himself a master by interweaving serious elements into humorous situations. "Twelfth Night" consists of many love triangles, however many of the characters who are tangled up in the web of love are blind to see that their emotions and feelings toward other characters are untrue. They are being deceived by themselves and/or the others around them.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Tim O’Brien “How to Tell a True War Story”

The words, which describe the character: Rat Kiley; sharp gray eyes; tight little strokes of the wrist; he wanted me to believe; big gentle killer eyes; little crazy; they were kids – they just didn’t know; Rat almost bawls writing it; they were like soul mates. The words, which do not describe the character: crazy in a good way; real daredevil; nineteen years old and it is too much for him. The guy’s real name was Bob Kiley, but everyone was calling him Rat (O’Brien 174).He had lost his friend Curt Lemon in Vietnam, but this loss happened beyond any military actions, when they were playing with grenades (they were real kids); Rat had actually lost his soul mate. Reading the story, Rat’s character created an impression of being flat. However, coming to the story’s end, it is evident that huge sufferings are hidden behind the childish behavior. This childish behavior has indirectly become the cause of tragedy, and suffering through this loss, Rat reveals his round dynamic character.He tries to forget his pain, but the fact that he feels it is the sign of his deep soul, which was changed in the cruelties of the Vietnam War. Curt Lemon is the character around which Rat’s actions and thoughts are concentrated. They spent most of their time together and what they felt towards each other was real kinship. The unexpected loss was so difficult for Rat that he didn’t hesitate to mail a letter to Lemon’s sister. This letter has become the expression of his feelings, his sorrow, and his best memories about that person. Re-writing the story from Rat’s perspectiveThe day didn’t predict anything tragic. We crossed the river – the mountains were in the west, and we had to direct our efforts there. We have already spent three days marching, and it already seemed monotonous†¦so well†¦we were trying to entertain ourselves, and in a second Curt Lemon was dead. He simply stepped on a boob y-trapped 105 round. One second – and the man was gone forever. We were playing, we were laughing, and then, out of sudden, he was dead. I didn’t notice that the whole hour had passed before we cut off the thick grass for the emergency helicopter to land.Surprisingly, the day didn’t change; the weather was the same, and we kept marching. The only thing was that Curt was not with us anymore. Higher in the mountains I’ve noticed a baby VC water buffalo. I had no idea how I could come across it so high in the mountains, and it was probably unexpected for me, that at that moment I could think of anything else besides Curt. I managed to get a rope around the baby buffalo and to lead it with us to the village, where we had to stay for the night. I stroked the baby buffalo’s nose, I tried to offer it come pork or beans, but it didn’t seem interested. I shrugged but I felt, how enraged I was.At that time I didn’t understand, what caused those feelings inside me, but now I know that Curt’s death had made me angry; angry for being incapable to change anything and to return him to life. I shot the buffalo through the front knee. I was shocked at the animal not showing any sign of stress; it didn’t cry. It was silent, though it fell hard onto the ground but then got up again, and at that moment I shot off its ear; I kept shooting and I could see it hurt, but for some reason I could not kill it. I would never make it suffer, but something inside me was preventing me from shooting right.I had no idea what others were thinking, but they were definitely watching each move and each shot I made. I was the only one to know, what it meant to me – Lemon was dead and he had been the best friend in the world. I am not sure whether it was a question of pain, and what pain one may mean here. I didn’t know whether physical pain could be measured or even compared to the moral pain I felt. I could not understand what I was doing, it was all smoke and I hardly remember whether I had shot the buffalo’s tail; it was as if I were dreaming. I shot it into the throat.I didn’t want it to experience those physical tortures anymore. I can still remember its eyes – enormous, shiny, and dumb. I can remember myself crying. I wanted to say how sorry I was for both the buffalo and for Lemon, but tears didn’t let any word come out. I understood I needed some freedom, some silence and some time to think, to try to recover and to ultimately feel better. I left the baby, may be it was still alive, but I didn’t know it. I just knew that it was fighting for its life, the chance which Lemon didn’t have. It will remain my sin forever, but my pain was enormous to hide it inside.I don’t still understand for whom I feel worse – for the baby buffalo I’ve killed or for Lemon who didn’t have a single chance to survive. What I know for sure is that Lemon didn’t go through the pain, which baby buffalo felt before it died. I also understand that this death could become neither physical, nor moral compensation for Lemon’s death. This is what I think now†¦ At that time I was not thinking anything. The baby buffalo’s death remains my biggest weakness – the inability to keep emotions inside. Later that week I wrote a letter to Lemon’s sister to tell her what a great guy her brother had been.I have written several funny stories from our life – I think that the letter turned to be very personal, even touching. I was almost bawling, because I could not accept the fact of his death. He had been the man able to turn the war into fun. He was right for war, and his attitudes towards war were also right. I clearly understood and I really felt that I would never receive any reply from that young girl, but I needed that writing to release my emotions and express what I was feeling about Lemon. Ev en when I pretended being angry at her, and called her â€Å"dumb cooze†, it was nothing but a mask – I didn’t want anyone know that I could feel†¦Justification I decided to focus on Rat Kiley’s character. The author emphasizes his negligent attitude towards life. â€Å"Listen to Rat: â€Å"Jesus Christ, man, I write this beautiful fucking letter, I slave over it, and what happens? The dumb cooze never writes back† (O’Brien 175). What I think is that Rat didn’t even expect to receive any reply from Lemon’s sister; he needed this letter to express what he had inside, and simultaneously he had to support his image of a guy â€Å"nineteenth years old – and it’s too much for him† (O’Brien 175).I was interested in viewing the story through his perspective, because I initially felt Rat could have been depicted differently, less crazy and more humane. As a result, the events in the narrative would loo k different through Rat’s perspective. After Lemon was dead, Rat could not find himself. He did not know how he could neutralize the moral pain he had inside. Again, the author could lead the narration in a different direction. Rat was shooting the baby buffalo – â€Å"it wasn’t to kill; it was just to hurt† (O’Brien 179).Has anyone thought that Rat might have not clearly understood what he was doing? The fact that he was crying was the best proof that his actions had been absolutely uncontrolled. Moreover, his negligence has proved to be only surface – he was deeply suffering through the loss of his friend; at his nineteen years he could consider himself happy for having experienced the kinship he felt towards Lemon. My goal was to portray Rat through different features, not the features which the author used in the narration. I suppose that the author has not looked too deep into Rat’s soul.O’Brien has created an image of Rat ’s cruelty towards the animal, and the readers perceive him as â€Å"a little crazy†. Simultaneously, he has not emphasized many features which make Rat a real human. Even the scene of animal killing could have been depicted differently, through the prism of Rat’s moral sufferings. â€Å"Rat Kiley was crying† (O’Brien 180), and that cry was the difficult acknowledgement of the fact that Lemon would never come back. Works cited O’Brien, Tim. â€Å"How to Tell a True War Story†. Postmodern American Fiction: A Norton Anthology. P. Geyh ed. New York: W. W. Norton, 1992, 174-183.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dr. Mengele essays

Dr. Mengele essays ...When we stepped off the trains, we could hear soldiers yelling, Men on one side, women on the other side. Some German SS guards were also shouting, We want twins-bring us twins! Dr. Josef Mengele was making the selections. He stood there, tall nice-looking, and he was dressed very well, as if he wanted to make a good impression.... (Lagnado and Dekel 31) It has been proven to say that around eleven million total were killed during the Holocaust, six million killed were Jewish (Dunnigan and Nofi 48), 1.25 million people were executed at Auschwitz (Wigoder, The Holocaust: Family 176), and 2,840 twins were put to their death beds by Dr. Josef Mengele (Lagnado and Dekel cover). Today we can see the Holocaust only as a nightmare, bot for those actually there, they lived that nightmare. In Auschwitz alone, 1.25 million people were executed bu either the crematorium, the gas chambers, or they were used as human guinea pigs by none other than the famous Angel of Death himself, Dr. Josef Mengele (Lagnado and Dekel 32). The man was pure evil with an instinctive intention to kill. Dr. Josef Mengele was one of the most feared medical doctors of World War II. It was not until 1934, the Dr. Mengele actually became interested in Hitlers speeches and ideas. The center piece of Hitlers speeches was call for racial purity, which was an idea the became the driving force of Dr. Mengeles existence, and with this time at the University of Munich, Dr. Mengele displayed more ambition then ever before, burning with the need to develop this study for racial purity even more. Early on in his studies at Munich, Dr. Mengele was introduced to the work of the social Darwinism. The social Darwinists believed that all social and personal problems were inherited, and they also set up a program to ensure that only the best people survived. The ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Lady from Shanghai Film Noir Essay Example

The Lady from Shanghai Film Noir Essay Example The Lady from Shanghai Film Noir Paper The Lady from Shanghai Film Noir Paper Essay Topic: Chinatown In classical Greek mythology, the sirens were creatures, which would sing so beautifully that sailors would wreck their ships and drown. Another creature in classical Greek mythology was Circe, a beautiful witch who would destroy the men who came to her island by turning them into animals. How does Orson Welles update these classical Greek elements and put them into his film? Why does he make use of these figures from classical mythology in order to tell a story set in the modern world? The lady From Shanghai movie is a film noir. The movie is a commercial Hollywood film and at the same time an â€Å"art film†. One of the aspects of the â€Å"art film† is symbolism. Welles forced us into it is symbolic subtext in order to understand it is logic. He updated classical Greek elements and put them into his film. I think the reason why Welles is using mythology to tell a story set in modern world is because mythology gives meaning to human experience. Myths are ancient, but timeless stories that stretch the bounds of daily understanding. Elsa symbolized the Sirens. She is a beautiful woman who lured Michael to fulfill her selfish desire. She wanted her husband dead. Elsa is also compared to Circe (the daughter of Helios). Just before Michael passed out from the effects of the pills, he denounced her as a blonde Circe. He sticks the gun into her ribs. He told Elsa that she killed Grisby and she is the killer. Elsa, as Circe created unsubstantial image of beasts in men. 2. A story within a story: How does the Chinese play in the film reflect the events themes of the movie itself? Michael runs into the Chinatown where he ducks inside the Mandarin Theatre, during the performance of a costumed, stylized oriental play. The Chinese theatre scene is central to the meaning of The Lady From Shanghai. The meaning of this scene is â€Å"the alienation effect†. The play on stage revealed Elsa’s true intentions. This scene comes in a moment, when audience needed some answers. I think Welles gave us a little exposition to clear things up before he takes us to the House of Mirrors. 3. Discuss the scene in the House of Mirrors towards the end of the film. What is the symbolic importance of mirror images appearing and then being broken or shattered? Elsa’s servants kidnapped Michael to a deserted amusement park, closed for the season. I the hall of mirrors Elsa and Bannister murder one another in the fragmented shards of glass. The symbolic importance of mirror images appearing and then being broken it is that not only their bodies are being terminated, but their self-images, self-esteem, and personal legacies being shattered as well. When the mirrors are destroyed than we can see whom Elsa really is. Before Michael descended into the hall of mirrors, he twice passes signs that say: â€Å"STAND UP OR GIVE UP†. When Michael enters the hall of mirrors, the distorted images of him suggested potential lost of selfhood. . Give a detailed example of a montage from this film. For this question, you may use any example except the siren scene, the Chinese play scene, and the mirror scene, as these have been discussed above. Montage in The Lady From Shanghai is used in flashback to explain the past, ongoing actions and illustration of character’s thoughts. The scene in aquarium, when Michael met with Elsa it i s an example of a montage. There are an octopus and shark in the big tanks. Octopus is a symbol of conspiracy; shark is a symbol of power, unpredictable, dangerous. When Elsa and Michael kissed in the aquarium, the sharks made sinister passes in the tanks behind them. Michael does not know it that he is on his way to be eaten by his lover. This means the fragility of existence, the absurdity of reality, and the lie in love. When Michael O’Hara delivered a speech about the cannibal sharks; the metaphor perfectly describes the group of people with whom he traveled. 5. Explain how The Lady From Shanghai is both commercial Hollywood film and at the same time an â€Å"art film†? Give specific examples from the film’s plot, characters, and setting. The Lady From Shanghai is a commercial Hollywood film and at the same time an â€Å"art film†. The film has an art film aspects like: symbolism, social realism style, focus on thoughts and dreams of character, use of montage, closes supporting art film are: symbolism – the Sirens, Circa, the courtroom scene, Bannister named their yacht â€Å"The Circe†. When Elsa springs a trap of seduction and deception on Michael, she first leads him down back alleys until they reach a spot where a large pig is wallowing in the street (Circe) etc. Use of montage – jury’s chairs arrange as a chessboard, Judges playing chess, scene in aquarium. The film has also commercial film aspects like: making money, targeting general audience, linear plot, overlapping dialogues, violence, music aspects, soft focus, deliberately stylized glamor, commercial. Examples supporting commercial film are: use of overlapping dialogues – Chinese theater. Soft focus – glamorous soft-focus extreme close- ups of Elsa’s face. Violence – triple murder. Commercial – scene on the yacht interrupted by Glosso Lusto – hair care product commercial.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Book Review on Undaunted Courage

Book Review on Undaunted Courage Book Review on Undaunted Courage Book review: Undaunted Courage by Steven Ambrose In his book, Undaunted Courage, Steven Ambrose brings to our attention the life history of young Lewis before the expedition to the pacific coast. He gives us an impression that Lewis was an intelligent young boy, an attribute that saw him lead the expedition. According to the author, Lewis’ childhood was promising and his future was bright. He made good choices in his youthful life. The Lewis and Clark expedition was influenced by the relationship between Lewis and Thomas Jefferson, who was a family friend. The author comes up with a summary of the 2000-mile expedition in an amazing prose. During the exploration, Lewis wrote his characteristic voluminous journals expressing their two years joy as well as the mysteries they were experiencing. President Thomas Jefferson chose Lewis to lead the expedition whose purpose was to explore and discover a northwest route to the Pacific Ocean and opening commercial ties with the inhabitants of the area. Lewis is a perfect choice to lead the expedition because of his military background where he was a captain. Again, it is indicated in numerous instances that he was very intelligent, something that began since he was a small boy. Lewis is presented by the author as a reasonable man with a natural gift in scientific observation. He is even said to have been a skilled and experienced naturalist. These are some of the qualities that made him catch the eye of the president of course considering the two were friends from home. In his troop, the second in command was Lieutenant William Clark, a friend to Lewis who still was a younger brother to an activist and a war general, George Rogers Clark. The troop went by the name ‘corps of discovery’ and consisted of 30 other recruits. The expedition started in May 1804 and they sailed the river using canoes with others walking on foot along the banks. The leader had strict instructions from the president to keep a journal, which he wrote about the daily events taking place around them. This included daily measurement in latitude and longitude and his scientific observations. As the expedition goes on, a Canadian decided to join the ‘corps of discovery’ with his teenage wife who later on plays a big role in the survival of the voyage. Lewis is disappointed as there is no connection between the river Missouri leading to the pacific so the troop had to traverse through the great falls of the Missouri river and the Rocky Mountains. By this time, their food reserves were running low and were forced to trade their horses against foodstuff for survival. The troop reached the pacific coast in November 1805, were they put up a fort that was named Fort Clatsop. The following spring, the expedition having suffered low supplies begun their voyage back. Lewis and Clark however decided to split the troops into two and explore the east and west water routes. At this time, the corps encountered a hostile military engagement but the troops remained intact without losing anyone of them. However, two lives were lost in the attacking community. Upon their return, Lewis and Clark are received back home as heroes and Lewis is appointed as governor. This was the beginning of his troubles since he was not a good politician and eventually he became an alcoholic, as he was depressed. He unfortunately loses his life at an early age of thirty-five years after committing suicide. Ambrose has used the journals from the expedition and presented the story in a systematic way that reveals the history of Lewis’ background. In my opinion, the presentation of the chronological events that took place in regards to Lewis prior, during and after the expedition is very clear and informative. The author has dedicated his efforts to establish and impart basic knowledge on the details and circumstances surrounding the historic expedition by Lewis. This is an excellent piece of art that I would recommend anyone to read as it is based on the accounts of the historic expedition in the pacific. Feel free to buy a book review online, on any topic you need. All custom book reviews are written from scratch by professional review writers.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Course & syllabus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Course & syllabus - Essay Example The importance of considering both are stressed and explained, as well as the difficulties involved. A greater emphasis on needs, aims, objectives and learning outcomes began when the Council of Europe’s Modern Languages Project attempted to remedy the over-emphasis on teaching methods in the 1970s (Stern, 1989: 212). This was a positive step but it became apparent later on, that treatment and evaluation related factors also needed to be considered for a more balanced approach. However, the focus of attention in this paper is on the needs, aims, objectives and learning outcomes. Needs analysis A needs analysis is a â€Å"systematic collection and analysis of all subjective and objective information necessary to define and validate defensible curriculum purposes †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Brown, 1995: 36). Often, a needs assessment is not undertaken for devising language courses. It is generally thought that it is not possible to be specific in identifying needs. However, it has been sho wn to be not only possible, but also useful in English language classrooms to support problem solving and â€Å"as a basis for aims, courses, and materials; and to provide a concrete illustration of how analysis of data can be performed, and how a tight and direct link can be maintained between needs, aims, and materials, and what actually occurs in the classroom† (Seedhouse, 1993). ... According to Brown (1995, ch. 2), they generally involve two things, firstly making basic decisions such as identifying the types of people involved, the information needed and points of view, and secondly gathering information such as types of questions, instruments, choosing procedures and other factors. For providing such information, Richards (2001: 63-64) recommends a number of strategies such as conducting a literature survey and conducting interviews. This would help to find out information such as the situations in which English is used most frequently, in which difficulties are encountered, perceived difficulties, frequencies of errors, suggestions, opinions, and so on. The Council of Europe model suggests the approach should be systematic and centred on the learner (Richterich & Chancerel, 1977). The Munby (1978) model also advocates the same but also suggests considering features pertaining to the target situation in which the language will be used. The information gleaned from this analysis is then fed as input for processing both language skills and meaning, i.e. for identifying the micro-skills and functions that would be required. Muby also mentions a number of other variables that should be considered, but these are recommended for after, not before, the syllabus is specified. However, all the pertinent information should ideally be gathered beforehand as part of the needs analysis not when the syllabus is finalised. Hutchinson & Waters (1987) formed a number of specific questions in their framework for target situation analysis, and based on these, further questions for analysing learning needs. These are listed in the table below. These questions are useful to ensure that all the important aspects

Friday, October 18, 2019

Effectiveness of Patient Navigation Program For Underserved Patients Research Paper - 1

Effectiveness of Patient Navigation Program For Underserved Patients in Improving Diagnostic Resolution after Abnormal Cancer screening - Research Paper Example Most of the time, the underserved members of the community suffer from these abnormal tests. Failure to improve the situation could result into more people succumbing to the disease, which is curable and manageable at the earlier stages of its development. Through patient navigation programs, the underserved in community expect to receive medical care and diagnosis that provides them with solutions to the problem. The presentation of research material here deals with the challenge presenting the necessary literature on the challenge. The study presents the different challenges that the community faces in the wake of abnormal cancer screening in patients. The developing abnormal cancer screening in the underserved patients requires follow up in the patient navigation program. The different patient navigation programs developed aimed at dealing with patient challenges in relation to handling challenges such as cancer screening with quest to handle cancer in general as a problem. The challenge that the patient navigation program faces is the development of a cancer-screening program that ensures through management of the problem. The whole process seems to provide an ineffective answer to the diagnostic challenges that management of cancer faces. The problem provokes the need to improve the cancer diagnostic resolution to present viable results. The study presents a number of significance levels to different people in ranging from the writer, the future research developers on the same subject, the community and the government. The study is significant in the presentation of information that could guide medical workers in dealing with the problem and improving the cancer screening process. This significance plays to the researcher and the medical workers. The study is significant to the community in providing them with the necessary

My Writing Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

My Writing Style - Essay Example Writing is not an easy process, it takes time. To write in a manner that is appreciative and commendable, a person is required to read literary works. However, at any stage, it cannot be said that one has learned about writing and its techniques completely. Writing is a prolonged process and one has to continue writing for a long time in order to make his writing inspirational and persuasive. George Orwell in his writing, â€Å"Why I write† informs that he got engaged in the writing process by reading literary works and by trying to write himself when he was a child (Orwell 1). Writing process was not known to him as a revelation but because of a continuous struggle that he did to learn writing. Therefore, one cannot claim that the writing process is easy and anyone can do it without any hard work. As Orwell has explained that he did a lot of struggle to learn to write, similarly, every aspirant of the writing process has to struggle too much. I also consider myself an aspiran t but I feel that I have to do a lot of hard work to start writing something that is commendable. The writing process involves the representation of self as the writer intentionally or unintentionally exposes his own self in his writing. As far as my writing is concerned, I feel that my writing is also expressive of me as a person. A person who is sensitive and kind, his writing will be indicative of his nature. Similarly, different kinds of people can be known with the help of their writing. According to Joan Didion, â€Å"In many ways, writing is the act of saying I, of imposing oneself upon other people, of saying listen to me, see it my way, change your mind† (1). It means that writing is a personal process in which, the writer shows what he likes or dislikes, what is his idea or notion of a situation and what are the facts according to the writer. Therefore, writing for me is the representation of self as while writing, we see the world with our viewpoints and narrate wh at we feel about different aspects due to which, we reveal our personalities. People usually write with some aims such as for fame, for counseling of people, for self-expression and much more. Eliot Stephen says, â€Å"There are other great reasons to write. To tell a story, to be heard, to create art, to participate, to add to the generational discussion, to make a political point, to make the world a richer place (7)†.

Life Science Reflections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Life Science Reflections - Essay Example It is different when we understand the science of life. Through it, we see the relationship of life within and without them and all needing each other to support and sustain life. By studying life science, I understood that all lives are interrelated. This relationship is not limited to lives other species but also to the internal mechanism within the body of each living organism. Within it, there is a universe of functions that make an organism breathe, move, fly, walk and any other function associated with life. Life science also makes me appreciate nature more. By understanding how the birds fly and how the fish able to stay underwater makes me wonder about the life mechanism that makes them do these things. I also understand that the forest is not just a bunch of trees but a collection of life that needs each other to live and thrive. I also learn that they are better off on their own as nature have its own way of taking care of its own. I also realized that we humans are in fact the biggest threat to lives other than ourselves. Corollary to this, I fully understood what ecosystem is really all about. I realized that it is not just the interrelationship of lives in nature that needs each other survive. It is a principle of creating the ideal environment that sustains life and activity. It tells us human beings not to disrupt them because each creature, each life is important for the entire cycle of life to exist. This principle can even be applied to our lives of not disrupting the ecosystem that makes us thrive. Through the understanding of life science, I also learn how to become more respectful of life and how take care of life more. I saw their strength and their weakness as well. They can be fragile when abused but can quite be resilient when left on their own. I also learned that nature has its own way of healing itself. I also learned that

Thursday, October 17, 2019

In what ways and how effectively can governments facilitate the Essay

In what ways and how effectively can governments facilitate the development of major industries and contribute to national competitiveness - Essay Example These are preferential trade agreement that allows free market access to the member countries. Increase in integration agreements demonstrates motivation of the national governments (Dennis, 2002). This is a strategy to gain advantage of size in market a creating a large market for the major industries and protecting them from outside competition (Hitt Ireland & Hoskisson,  1999). Removal of trade barriers may lead the firms to realign their organizational structures to focus on a regional market. These integrations will continue to be building blocks in the global economy. The formation international integration like European Union liberalized public procurement (Stanley Hoffman, 2002). It also reduced the cost of uncertainty of different currencies. Tesco is the UK’s leading food retailer, benefits from European Union fewer regulation. Therefore, it has been able to penetrate in several countries within the region. United States also entered into a trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, NAFTA to eliminate trade restrictions (UN, 2001). NAFTA also encourages improvement of infrastructures within member states. Wal-Mart was able to enter Mexico market in 1990, and by 2004 it became the largest retail store. This has enabled the Mexico retail sector to grow after the trade liberalization under NAFTA. Moreover, NAFTA has necessitated foreign direct investments in Mexico (Paprzycki & Fukao,  2008). The Agreement in the Southeast Asia (ASEAN) was formed to promote multilateral economic cooperation within the Pacific region (Rondinelli, Heffron & Pacific Basin Research Center, 2007). The leaders committed themselves to achieving free and open trade in the region. BYD also has benefited from zero tariffs under the free trade liberalization between China and ASEAN. The market systems are the drivers on the national economic growth and ways through which private enterprise

Describe a person or event that has had a profound impact on you and Essay

Describe a person or event that has had a profound impact on you and the way you look at the world - Essay Example The simultaneous attacks were the adversaries' ploy to exhibit their competence boldly defying American sovereignty. Sandwiched between these warring nations are innocent lives that are needlessly lost. It was indeed a distressing incident that will forever be etched in the history of mankind. I am deeply moved by the sudden turn of events. The fateful event significantly changed my outlook in life. It's not just the United States of America that was involved in that tragic incident. I awakened to the stark realization that we are presently living in a very harsh world and that we cannot afford to be indifferent. As a youth and international student, I became aware of the responsibilities ahead of me. I know very well that our generation is next in line in molding and shaping a better world. Amidst the incessant controversies, it is very crucial to observe and learn from the things that had ensued. Although disastrous and heartrending, the 9/11 disaster brought forth present-day heroes. I admire the common people who have risked their lives in order to save others. I am in awe of the courageous men and women who chose to lose their lives for the benefit of many.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Life Science Reflections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Life Science Reflections - Essay Example It is different when we understand the science of life. Through it, we see the relationship of life within and without them and all needing each other to support and sustain life. By studying life science, I understood that all lives are interrelated. This relationship is not limited to lives other species but also to the internal mechanism within the body of each living organism. Within it, there is a universe of functions that make an organism breathe, move, fly, walk and any other function associated with life. Life science also makes me appreciate nature more. By understanding how the birds fly and how the fish able to stay underwater makes me wonder about the life mechanism that makes them do these things. I also understand that the forest is not just a bunch of trees but a collection of life that needs each other to live and thrive. I also learn that they are better off on their own as nature have its own way of taking care of its own. I also realized that we humans are in fact the biggest threat to lives other than ourselves. Corollary to this, I fully understood what ecosystem is really all about. I realized that it is not just the interrelationship of lives in nature that needs each other survive. It is a principle of creating the ideal environment that sustains life and activity. It tells us human beings not to disrupt them because each creature, each life is important for the entire cycle of life to exist. This principle can even be applied to our lives of not disrupting the ecosystem that makes us thrive. Through the understanding of life science, I also learn how to become more respectful of life and how take care of life more. I saw their strength and their weakness as well. They can be fragile when abused but can quite be resilient when left on their own. I also learned that nature has its own way of healing itself. I also learned that

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Describe a person or event that has had a profound impact on you and Essay

Describe a person or event that has had a profound impact on you and the way you look at the world - Essay Example The simultaneous attacks were the adversaries' ploy to exhibit their competence boldly defying American sovereignty. Sandwiched between these warring nations are innocent lives that are needlessly lost. It was indeed a distressing incident that will forever be etched in the history of mankind. I am deeply moved by the sudden turn of events. The fateful event significantly changed my outlook in life. It's not just the United States of America that was involved in that tragic incident. I awakened to the stark realization that we are presently living in a very harsh world and that we cannot afford to be indifferent. As a youth and international student, I became aware of the responsibilities ahead of me. I know very well that our generation is next in line in molding and shaping a better world. Amidst the incessant controversies, it is very crucial to observe and learn from the things that had ensued. Although disastrous and heartrending, the 9/11 disaster brought forth present-day heroes. I admire the common people who have risked their lives in order to save others. I am in awe of the courageous men and women who chose to lose their lives for the benefit of many.

John Locke Government Essay Example for Free

John Locke Government Essay Without a civil society, all rules of order begin to break down. At this point, there really is no society present. Rather, there is anarchy and an anarchistic society is not one where the populace can be reasonably cared for and protected. John Locke puts forth many assessments in this regard. However, Locke also understands that the current state of society will often play a role in terms of how we react to it. In Richard II, we have a monarchy of a society that fails to be civil in a number of ways. Because of this, action is taken by certain members of the populace. This does raise questions regarding whether or not the actions of these characters in the play support or undermine the theories of John Locke as they relate to the civil society. A closer examination of the play will reveal answers in this regard. In the play, we see certain callous and decidedly not well thought out actions on the part of Richard II. In the early stages of the play, the king interferes in a dual between Bolingbroke and Mowbray. The former is banished for 6 years as a result of his actions with the latter is banished forever. This creates great animosity among Mowbray and his followers while also setting the stage for the creation of a serious enemy. Such actions are further compounded when Richard appropriates all the land of John of Gaunt for himself when the character passes away. Are such actions those of a ruler that professes to oversee a civil society? A great many arguments can be made that such actions are hardly noble in their intent and action. At the core of Locke’s writing is that there really is no such thing as a divinity among the kings that rule a particular land. In other words, kings are not divine beings that can impose their will on the populace in any way they see fit. There are various John Locke, Government, and RICHARD II – Page 2 reasons why Locke promotes such a notion. Firstly, he recognizes that kings are human beings and, hence, fallible as all humans are. This can lead to kings being self-serving as opposed to serving their subjects and the rule of law. When both of these components are ignored, the civil society breaks down. Also, it becomes impossible for proper governance to exist unless deep and serious thought is put forth towards the nature and role of ruling. So, when a king puts forth the attitude that all things are good because of his divine will, society runs the risk of collapsing. Why is this so? Mainly, it is because no logic is being employed by the ruler. Rather, the king believes all things decreed correct because the king is infallible. This does little more than set the stage for the collapse of the king’s rule as well as the collapse of the civil society. We can see this in RICHARD II in several ways. Richard slowly seems to lose his grip on proper rule and becomes a self-serving entity. During the events of the play, we learn that Richard’s kingdom is involved in a long, bitter, and protracted war with Ireland. As such, the need for making proper and accurate decisions is a must. Poor decisions can undermine the effectiveness of the war effort which, in turn, can lead to a collapse of the kingdom. Early in the play, Richard is accused of not properly managing the war effort as evidenced by his personal appropriations of Gaunt’s wealth among other improprieties. This sets in motion the idea that he must be disposed as the ruler of the kingdom. John Locke, Government, and RICHARD II – Pg 3 While all rulers will be criticized at some point, the most stinging criticism would be that the leader does not hold the fabric of society together. Rather, he contributes to the collapse of society. An argument of these sorts can be made towards the rule of Richard II. Of great concern to Locke is the notion that the population has a right to private property and that any government or ruler that infringes on private property is little more than a tyranny. In the context of RICHARD II, there is a ruler that has no respect for private property as evidenced by his unlawful seizing of land and wealth. This poses the question when a king acts lawless, is there any law to the land? Locke also was an avowed believer in the notion that government must represent the will of the people. Those governments that do not provide for the populace in such a way will run the risk of being legitimately overthrown by the motivated members of the populace. We see such events played out in RICAHRD II in many different ways. Ultimately, all the actions of King Richard promote the notion that he does not serve his subject. Rather, he serves his own personal goals with little regard for the life and property of those he is entrusted to care for. One could say that RICHARD II truly does provide a clear interpretation of the problems with government detailed in John Locke’s SECOND TREATISE OF GOVERNMENT. As such, it would be safe to infer that Locke would hardly approve of the way Richard II rules. Considering the downfall of the king in the play, Richard II would have been better served had be been guided by Locke’s philosophical approach to government.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Analyzing The Feminine Agenda In Plays English Literature Essay

Analyzing The Feminine Agenda In Plays English Literature Essay In the three dramas, Oedipus Rex, Death of a Salesman, and Macbeth the feminine characters craft their own personal agendas into the lives of the tragic heroes. Jocasta, Linda, and Lady Macbeth are all similar in their dynamic nature, ability to enable, and their need to care for others. The exploration of these similarities can also be considered the driving force which leads to each of the tragic heroes to their ultimate fates. This woman uses female methods of acquiring power- that is, manipulation- to further her supposed male ambition. The remarkable effectiveness of Lady Macbeths manipulation is apparent in several ways. She overrides all of his objections to the plot she construes. When Macbeth hesitates in murdering Duncan, Lady Macbeth persistently taunts his lack manhood and courage until he feels it necessary to prove himself. Interestingly, Lady Macbeth and her husband are presented as being deeply in love. However, many of Lady Macbeths speeches imply that her control over Macbeth is merely sexual. Lady Macbeths strong will persists throughout the murder of the king. Afterwards, however, she begins a slow slide into madness. Just as ambition affects her more so before the crime, so does the guilt afterwards. She falls victim to guilt and madness to a greater extent than her husband. The play implies that women can be as ambitious and cruel as men, but social constraints deny them the opportunitie s to pursue the ambition on their own. By the close of the play, Lady Macbeth has been reduced to sleepwalking and attempting to remove invisible bloodstains. When the plague of guilt has finally done its worse, Lady Macbeths sensitivity becomes her weakness. Subsequently, her husbands cruelty and her own guilt recoil on her, sending her into a madness which she is unable to cope with. In the end, she drives herself mad because of her guilt over the murders and she apparently kills herself. Linda Loman is Willys link to reality. She serves as a force of reason throughout the play. Linda is by far the toughest, most realistic, and most levelheaded character in the play. She sees what her husband is going through. Despite all of his failures and weaknesses, she supports him, loves him, and occasionally enables his behavior. Linda realizes that Willy is just an ordinary man living in the times, but she does not place blame on him. If anything, she loves him more because of it. Linda assumes the role of the protector, the defender, and the respecter. She protects Willy when Biff fights with him. Linda defends Willy to her sons who believe that he is going crazy. Also, she respects him enough to pretend that she is unaware of the fact that he is trying to kill himself and that he has lost his salary. She knows that Willy is suicidal, irrational, and difficult to deal with; however, she goes along with Willys fantasies in order to protect him from the criticism of others, as well as his own self-criticism. Linda tries to protect him, but her efforts are in vain. Linda enables Willy in many ways, but she also encourages him. She gently nudges him when it comes to paying the bills and communicating with Biff and she does not lose her temper when he becomes irate. Linda knows that Willy is secretly borrowing money from Charley to pay the life insurance and other bills. Despite all of this, Linda does nothing, afraid to aggravate Willys fragile mental condition. She goes as far as throwing Biff and Happy out of the house when their behavior threatens to upset Willy. Linda views freedom as an escape from debt, the reward of total ownership of the material goods that symbolize success and stability. Willys prolonged obsession with the American dream seems, over the long years of his marriage, to have left Linda internally conflicted. She appears to have kept her emotional life intact. As such, she represents the emotional core of the drama. Linda is a character driven by desperation and fear. Even though Willy is often rude to her, she protects him at all costs. According to Linda, Willy is only a little boat looking for a harbor (___________). She loves Willy, and more importantly, she accepts all of his shortcomings. Jocastas character is only strongly represented in the closing scenes in the play. Throughout the play, Jocasta tested the beliefs of those around her by feigning disbelief in the gods herself. Though she put up this false front, she did keep her faith. At the beginning of the scene wherein a messenger relayed word of Polybus death and Oedipus right to the throne of Corinth, we see Jocasta praying. In her first words, she attempts to make peace between Oedipus and Creon, pleading with Oedipus not Tiresiass terrifying prophecies as false. Unlike Oedipus, Jocasta distrusts the oracles and believes that whatever happens will do so by unforeseeable chance. However, she is still wary enough to honor Apollo with offerings in a crisis. Jocasta carries garlands and incense to the altar and tries to appeal to Apollo to purify the city of Thebes. Jocasta solves the riddle of Oedipuss identity before Oedipus does, and she expresses her love for her son and husband in her desire to protect him f rom this knowledge. She pleads with him to stop asking questions regarding the circumstances. Jocastas character is intelligent and capable, but not driven to exploration as Oedipus. She carries her own agenda about what should be known and looked into. Jocastas character is used by the gods, in a way, to test Oedipuss faith. After accusing Creon of conspiracy and treason, Oedipus relates to Jocasta the details of his meeting with Tiresias. Jocasta proceeds to plant doubts of the gods by telling Oedipus the story of the Delphian Oracle and the circumstances surrounding Laius death. Again, after Polybus death, she excitedly tells Oedipus that his prophecy was obviously untrue, though it was not, and by doing so she attempts to hint that the oracles and thus the gods are false. It can be drawn that Jocasta is forced to perform such tasks for the gods because she tried to avoid an earlier prophecy. By tying her childs feet together and casting him out, she attempted to defeat the gods, and this disbelief of course angered them. Her punishment, then, was to test the beliefs of the very child she cast out. Jocasta was, in this way, a victim. Though it was by her own doing that this penalty was cast upon her, it was not something she was happy to do, which becomes apparent when she realizes the truth in her earlier prophecy. It is at this moment that she becomes aware of her punishment, and in desperation kills herself. After the realization of the truth, Jocastas own panicked grief impels her to suicide. Jocasta is a victim in Oedipus Rex, but not as much as she is a catalyst for Oedipus own victimization. She keeps her faith throughout and tries to relieve Oedipus of his. Because of this, readers may in turn pity her and loathe her. But the gods tested the king of Thebes through her the main goal of the play and both he and she failed. In the exploration of Oedipus Rex, Death of a Salesman, and Macbeth the feminine characters obvious self-interest plays an important role in their counter parts downfalls. Jocasta, Linda, and Lady Macbeth are all similar in their dynamic nature, ability to enable, and their need to care for others. The previous exploration illustrates the female agenda in contrast to the tragic heroes.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Why I Want to Be a Doctor :: Medicine College Admissions Essays

Admissions Essay - Why I Want to Be a Doctor    My mother first gave me Cheerios when I was nine months old, challenging me to pick up tiny bite-sized donuts from a high-chair tray in our New York City kitchen. Eating Cheerios can be like microsurgery for nine-month-olds, as they master the hand-eye coordination to connect thumb and index finger to dry Cheerio and then Cheerio to mouth. The Cheerios were part of a set of age-appropriate developmental tasks my mother presented to me, based on the writings of child psychologist Arnold Gesell, who wrote that eating Cheerios refines fine motor skills.    My early exposure to Gesell's ideas, first as an experimental subject and then as a research assistant after my brother was born, began a lifelong interest in how experience shapes development. How, I wondered, did a child learn to grasp, to walk or to speak? Later, as I tutored elementary school students, I faced the same question, wondering how countless repetitions turned a blank stare into comprehension and then excitement about a new idea. Practice made a difference -- but why? And how?    I began to explore these questions in biological terms during my freshman year at Duke. In an introductory neurobiology course, I encountered the work of Hubert and Weisel, two Harvard researchers who studied the development of the feline visual cortex. They showed that if they covered one eye of a newborn kitten for the first six months of life, the part of the brain responsible for processing visual information developed differently, a shift that was irreversible after the eye patch was removed. In black-and-white slices of brain tissue, they showed that sensory experience could shape brain cells.    In the lab, I took my interest in development to the early phases of embryology, studying molecular aspects of gastrulation in sea urchins. After an initial molecular investigation, I spent a summer eking out information from an electron-microscopic study. The project required me to master the fine motor skills to pick up countless five-millimeter nickel circles with tweezers, a task hauntingly reminiscent of my early encounters with Cheerios.    During my undergraduate years, I balanced my interest in science with a love for writing that led me to become Editor of The Chronicle, Duke's daily student newspaper. Working more than 70 hours a week to churn out the newspaper, I spent my senior year in college struggling through tense editorial decisions with a group of 16- to 22-year-olds that became some of my closest friends and toughest critics. Why I Want to Be a Doctor :: Medicine College Admissions Essays Admissions Essay - Why I Want to Be a Doctor    My mother first gave me Cheerios when I was nine months old, challenging me to pick up tiny bite-sized donuts from a high-chair tray in our New York City kitchen. Eating Cheerios can be like microsurgery for nine-month-olds, as they master the hand-eye coordination to connect thumb and index finger to dry Cheerio and then Cheerio to mouth. The Cheerios were part of a set of age-appropriate developmental tasks my mother presented to me, based on the writings of child psychologist Arnold Gesell, who wrote that eating Cheerios refines fine motor skills.    My early exposure to Gesell's ideas, first as an experimental subject and then as a research assistant after my brother was born, began a lifelong interest in how experience shapes development. How, I wondered, did a child learn to grasp, to walk or to speak? Later, as I tutored elementary school students, I faced the same question, wondering how countless repetitions turned a blank stare into comprehension and then excitement about a new idea. Practice made a difference -- but why? And how?    I began to explore these questions in biological terms during my freshman year at Duke. In an introductory neurobiology course, I encountered the work of Hubert and Weisel, two Harvard researchers who studied the development of the feline visual cortex. They showed that if they covered one eye of a newborn kitten for the first six months of life, the part of the brain responsible for processing visual information developed differently, a shift that was irreversible after the eye patch was removed. In black-and-white slices of brain tissue, they showed that sensory experience could shape brain cells.    In the lab, I took my interest in development to the early phases of embryology, studying molecular aspects of gastrulation in sea urchins. After an initial molecular investigation, I spent a summer eking out information from an electron-microscopic study. The project required me to master the fine motor skills to pick up countless five-millimeter nickel circles with tweezers, a task hauntingly reminiscent of my early encounters with Cheerios.    During my undergraduate years, I balanced my interest in science with a love for writing that led me to become Editor of The Chronicle, Duke's daily student newspaper. Working more than 70 hours a week to churn out the newspaper, I spent my senior year in college struggling through tense editorial decisions with a group of 16- to 22-year-olds that became some of my closest friends and toughest critics.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Personal Narrative About Me :: Autobiography Essay, Personal Narrative

Me I am sentimental, out-going, indecisive, understanding, curious, naive, lazy, and young. I want to be ... , well a lot of things, and growing is discovering what they are. I feel people cannot see the potential within, although there is no one to blame but myself. I look to others for approval instead of to myself. I aim to please; it leads to approval. I don’t like to discuss my faults; I pity myself. I am weak in some respects, but in others I am strong. My life is a balance of ups and downs. With my extremes however, my scales never fulfill the word "balance." The ups and downs equal a median on which I travel daily. I love those who understand me, who chose to come close to the fire, who stay long enough to love its warmth, and who know how to avoid being burned. I don’t trust people easily. I don’t throw around my heart. I’ve lost love from my lack of giving. I regret this. I grab hold of things, always seeking support, a rock on which to lean. I have tried God, boyfriends, and small successes in school and sports, feeling the title FAILURE rise upon my forehead when I slipped. Afterwards I tried even harder to bring myself back up, my recovery taken on the quickest, most unstable route. This explains how I fell so easily. The self-esteem I had needed to be constantly replenished and refilled. My source was not myself, but others, whose opinions mattered more than my own. I am passionate and at times fearless. I am everything, and I am nothing. I am ever-changing and unpredictable. I crave security but cry for independence. I am black or white, never gray. My actions may not reflect my feelings and vice-versa. I play the submissive female one minute and the aggressive female the next. Every year I learn more about myself. The person inside no longer takes peeks at the world outside, but screams "Look at me, see what I’ve become, watch because I am coming!" I’ve been through difficult times, but the odds are starting to lean my way; I feel ready for any challenge that may arise.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Psychological Abuse Essay

Psychological abuse refers to â€Å"abuse that damages the psyche, or the mind. Psychological abuse happens when one person attempts to gain power and control over another.† It involves the deliberate infliction of pain or anguish to another person through verbal or nonverbal conduct designed to humiliate or threaten another person (National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse). Psychological abuse if quite prevalent in the United States. Most of its victims are women. Indeed, it is estimated that about 1.5 million women get psychologically abused each year. Psychological abuse often leads to physical abuse, as well as domination of the relationship and isolation from friends and family (, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Psychological abuse is dangerous because it poses many risks on the victim, such as acute stress, post traumatic stress disorder, and depression (, 2006). The many documented effects of psychological maltreatment include: Other possible consequences of psychological abuse are emotional instability, low social competency, anxiety, and low academic achievement (Canadian Health Network, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Given the effects and signs of psychological abuse, the common victims are those who have no emotional or social support from family and friends. On the other hand, people who often have contact with vulnerable people are sometimes the ones who perpetrate psychological abuse. This group may include caregivers and even family members of the victim (National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One important issue on psychological abuse involves neglect, particularly on children. Neglect involves the omission of protection and care needed by a child, which could lead to adverse consequences such as juvenile delinquency, aggressive behavior, and child deaths (Canadian Health Network, 2004). In this connection, the fact that many children become victims of psychological abuse is a very alarming issue, particularly because of the tender age of the victims. Moreover, it is observed that may victims of child psychological abuse are emotionally disturbed, mentally retarded, or physically handicapped, although the onset of these conditions may differ as to time (Wall, 1975).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another important issue with psychological abuse is the fact that it is believed to be the â€Å"most under-reported form of abuse.† Thus, the prevalence rates reported periodically may not be accurate since they only include those incidences that have been reported (Canadian Health Network, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another critical issue on psychological abuse is its pervasiveness in dating relationships. It is estimated that abuse during the courtship ranges from 20 to 50 percent of men and women. There is also another concern about the increased risk of abuse in a dating relationship due to the tendency of couples to prolong the dating relationship before marriage (Burke, Stets &   Pirog-Good, 1988).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   All of these issues are worth exploring. Women and children appear to be at special risk given their vulnerability. Another vulnerable group is the aged, who have no support systems to rely on. References Burke, P. J.,   Stets, J. E. &   Pirog-Good, M. A. (1988). Gender Identity, Self-Esteem,   Ã‚   and Physical and Sexual Abuse in Dating Relationships. Social Psychology   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Quarterly 51(3), 272-285.  Canadian Health Network. (2004). What is psychological maltreatment? Retrieved   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   February 24, 2008, from http://www.canadian-health- RCS%2FCHNResource%2FFAQCHNResourceTemplate&c=CHNResource&lan  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   g=En  National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. Psychological Abuse. Retrieved   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   February 24, 2008, from   Ã‚ (2006). Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved February 24, 2008,    from Wall, C. M. (1975). Child Abuse: A Societal Problem with Educational Implications.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Peabody Journal of Education 52(3), 222-225.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Background of Hrm Essay

Key Points to Share: Human resources management is the process of controlling and managing people to achieve an organization’s objectives. For example, it specifies what time the employees have to arrive and determines what kind of task suits to the individual. 1. The Evolution of Human Resource Management Function 1.1 Scientific Administration The concept is to put the right man to the right job. When a person keeps working on repetitive jobs, tasks get done quicker. For rewarding system, the more they work, the more they get paid. Employees are seen as machines (cost) and the company tells them what to do. Being repetitive work routines, employees get bored and dissatisfied. Moreover, there is a lack of communication between employees. 1.2 Personnel Administration The concept is quite similar to science administration because a company sees employees as machines (cost). It gives little attention in dealing with human. This concept is usually found in manufacturing jobs and factories. It focuses on controlling, hiring, and firing people. For example, a company makes sure that employees come to work and leave on time by using clock-in and clock-out system. 1.3 Human Relations Movement There are more interactions between people. Participation in discussion and knowledge sharing are allowed, resulting in a closer distance between boss and employees. It is the time that organization moves from controlling to sharing ideas. As a result, company can have more options and be innovative. Also, employees would feel more comfortable and have a sense of belonging to the company. 1.4 Human Resource Management It focuses on how a company manages people, understanding employees’ needs and wants, and making their employees as an asset. Employees are trained in order to develop necessary skills for long-term advantages. This concept is influenced through practices, policies, and function of employees in the company. The business strategy links to HR strategy including job design and structure, recruitment, selection, training, rewarding and promotion, career management, and performance management. In the case whereby employers treat employees well, it is beneficial in the long run in maintaining relationship with employees. 5. Strategic Human Resource Management It shows how a company link different HR practices together. Panyapiwat Institute of Management (PIM) is a good example of corporate institute run by CP. It offers courses that try to develop important skills in the way the company wants. In this strategy, the company links their educational courses to organizational strategy to prepare students to become well-trained employees. McKinsey 7S Model and Strategic HRM Value identifies what is good and what is right. Company tries to stress on the importance of keeping the company’s value. Also, company tries to pass on company’s value generation to generation. 2. Current Competitive Challenges in HRM 2.1 Globalization has an impact toward HRM in terms of movement of people, war for talent, and regional integration. Nowadays, people can easily work anywhere because of trade policy and immigration policy. These policies allow more flows of goods and services, and also factors of production. It benefits companies which are seeking for potential labors. Also, many multinational companies send expatriates to work in foreign countries. However, there is also a bigger gap between good brand image companies and companies that cares more about reducing costs. In Asia, we have a potential to become an important source of labor since there is a trend of growth pool such as ASEAN, China, and India. Above all, the labor cost is cheap. As a Thai citizen, we think that it is going to be hard for Thailand to compete with other ASEAN countries for many reasons such as cultural factors and social factors. For cultural factors, Thais are lazy and they are not willing to do dangerous, difficult, and dirty jobs. For social factors, Thais do not want to work outside of the country because they do not want to be apart from their families. In Thai society, grandparents help to look after their grandchildren while parents can go to work and this shows strong family ties of Thai culture. 2.2 Human Capital is skills, knowledge, and competency of individuals that bring economic benefits to an organization. It can be developed through supportive national policy by government, corporate tailor-made strategies by companies, and continuous self-improvement by individuals. In Western countries, the company seeks for employees who have a good communication skill, leadership, capabilities and creativity. On the other hand, Thailand focuses more on being knowledgeable. The companies start to make their own strategy to attract human capital. For example, CP creates its own university to train its potential employees. By doing so, CP can offer specialized training and also detect talented people that they are looking for. 3. Change Management There are two types of changes which are reactive change and proactive change. Reactive change is a change when something has already happened while proactive change is doing something before it happens. A company needs to have change management programs to prepare employees for uncertainty and make sure that they can adapt to various situations. However, the effort to change can fail for many reasons. If the companies do not wish to encounter failure, they should maintain proactive change. For example, the price of company A’s stock may decline from time to time. Thereby, company can give incentives to stockholders to encourage them to buy its shares. 4. Cost Containment There are five cost containments including downsizing, outsourcing, offshoring, onshoring, and crowdsourcing. 1. Downsizing happens when most companies layoffs their employees during the financial crisis. 2. Outsourcing is using the third party to work in the organization. It saves costs of hiring and training employees. Also, it helps companies to be more flexible. 3. Offshoring (Global Sourcing) is a business practice of sending jobs to other countries. For instance, many Western countries move their production part to other countries in Asia to cut costs. 4. Onshoring is a business practice of sending jobs to other locations within the country. For instance, the minimum wage in Thailand is 300 Baht. If employees live in Bangkok or Phuket, they would have to spend more on expensive necessities. However, if they live in other parts of the country, they would find it cheaper. 5. Crowdsourcing is the process whereby a company amateurs to design or create their products instead of full-time employees. It can help in terms of reducing cost. 2.5 Technology There are two types of technology which have impact on HRM which are Human Resources Information System (HRIS) and Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM). HRIS is the technology that introduces and provides data to the company. Examples would be MUIC OASIS and Googledoc. E-HRM is a process of transferring the information that is used for HRM. In other words, it is a tool that uses to access the system such as iPhone and iPad. These two types of technology are helpful for HR functions such as learning, recruiting and training. However, technology has many drawbacks such as privacy issues, uncontrollable spread of data, and the overuse of technology causing lower productivity of employees. 3. Employee concerns in the workplace 3.1 Background diversity There should be no discrimination in terms of national origin, race, religion, marital status and personal appearance in the organization. In U.S., there is an EEO Law (Equal Employment Opportunity Law) which makes sure that companies treat the employees equally. 3.2 Age diversity In some companies, they prefer elderly because these people are more knowledgeable. They are better at giving advices to customers. Generation Typology 1. Veterans (1920-1946) 2. Baby boomers (1947-1964) 3. Generation X (1965-1980) 4. Generation Y (1981-2000) 5. Generation Z (1995-2010) 6. Generation I (2001 onwards) 3.3 Gender issues in workplace 3.3.1 Sexual preferences: Masculinity vs. femininity For example, there is a certain perception of women as housewives and men as income earners. As a result, men are preferred at the workplace as they are seen to be more productive at work. However, this issue does not only apply to male and female preference, but also third genders. 3.3.2 Sexual harassment can be in both verbal and physical ways such as sexual jokes, language usage, and physical touching. 3.3.3 Office romance is prohibited in some companies to avoid issue of being biased on performance and evaluation. 3.3.4 Grass ceiling means there are some unseen barriers which block female from promoting to upper job positions such as CEO, COO, CFO, etc. There are three reasons that obstruct women to be on a top position. †¢ Stereotype: Company directors and executives would consider women as less talented than men to reach higher position. They believe that women are too sympathetic and therefore, cannot be a leader. †¢ Old boy’s network: male would like to create their own league, which causes tougher obstacle for women. †¢ Cultural influence: Japan, Korea, and Taiwan focus more on masculinity while Scandinavian countries focus more on femininity. 3.3.5 Marital Status: Being single or married can have am impact on being selected. For example, if you are married, you will be seen as a responsible person and concerned more about job security because they have a family to support. 3.4 Job security Unlike past decades, the current tendency of job security is expressed as instability because of world economic crisis, excessive welfare in Northern and Western Europe, and characteristic of new generation. More people would prefer to be a freelance (do not get regular and secure jobs but irregular and insecure jobs such as part time jobs in 7-11 or fast food store). 4. Conclusion With background of human resource management, a company could understand more about the evolution of this science, learn from the history, and choose a method that suits to its style. To success in managing people, we have to concern about both competitive challenges and employee concerns. These two things will be used to consider and applied to HR functions which are planning, recruitment, staffing, job design, training, appraisal, communications, compensation, benefits, and labor relations. If a company can adapt and adjust its HR processes properly, it will be surely successful. There is no business, if there is no people to work for it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Assessment and Accountability in Nursing

Assessment and Accountability in Nursing Mentors have responsibility to assist students to develop their clinical skills and knowledge on placements. As well as developing clinical skills, students also develop their interpersonal skills and as a result of this experience gain maturity. (NMC, 2008) .To determine students have achieved the professional standards or competence, mentors must make assessments while their placement. This is vital to protect the public from unsafe and incompetent practitioners. Assessment is an essential role of a mentor. A good assessment process gives the students valuable feedback, it helps them to identify where they are, highlights, deficits in their learning ,identifies what they need to do and enables them to set realistic future goals.(Danny Walsh 2010). A good assessment process help us to predict future behaviour of the nurse we train. However we can cut down the risks by ensuring that the assessment processes itself meets certain standards and criteria which are considered best practi ce. Proper assessments of students are essential because, they are the future nurses are responsible for protecting the public in patient care, (Necklin and Kenworthy, 2000:108).Through assessment mentor can identify the strength and weakness, knowledge and practical skill of a student. According to (Walsh 2010) student nurses are assessed for variety of reasons in their clinical practice. Examples of this; to monitor the students’ progress to give feedback, to discover learning needs, to encourage students, to monitor their progress, to assess students level of competence, to assess knowledge, skills and attitudes, to measure the effectiveness of the teaching and to safeguard the patient and protect the public. As students work alongside with mentors, need to encourage students to perform patient care through instructions, guidance and supervision. While they are caring the patients mentors can observe and give feedback, this means while student is learning she is being asse ssed. Managing the process of assessment and feedback is hugely important. Students fail their placements for a wide range of reasons, but certain key factors can help minimise this happening. The student needs to feel welcomed and wanted to be able to perform into the placement quickly and so get on with meeting their competencies. Duffy (2003) cited several reasons for students failing and the key aspect was the lack of a good mentor/student relationship. Mentors must be meeting with students regularly can identify the problems or deficits the students going through. Learning needs should then be identified and action plan must be put in place. Mentors and assessors have the right and responsibility of making professional judgements about the performance of their student. (ENB and department of Health, 2001).Students needs to be respected while maintaining their professional standards, it is important to recognise the rights and to be supported to succeed in clinical practice. Mon itoring progress is about finding the students quality and quantity of learning and any difficulties students may experiencing that can be identified and action plan to be applied. There are different methods of assessment like observation of patient care, questions and answers, reflection, briefing, self assessment peer assessment, testimonies, portfolios.(Stuart 2003). Duffy and Hardicre (2007) identify the reasons of a failing student are lack of insight, lack of interest poor communication or interpersonal skills, personal issues, being over confident. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC2004a) states that nurses are accountable for their own practice. The public has a right to expect competence from the qualified professional in healthcare. With the purpose of assessment as a form of quality control for the healthcare professions, assessors should be able to identify failing students and provide enough support and resources to overcome the difficulties.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Interdisciplinary relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Interdisciplinary relationships - Essay Example Interdisciplinary relationships entail a sense of mutual coexistence among professionals of different disciplines that foster positive correlation within the working confines (Rigolosi, 2013). The need for harmonisation and collaboration amid the elements that provide primary care for the clients is essential in developing effectively working work relations within the practice. Initially, the primary care practice entailed three essential elements of the application of interdisciplinary relationships within the nursing practice. These models included the parallel, sequential and shared models all of which include the working relations between a physician and a non-physician, who is a physician subordinate or nurse practitioner. The parallel model entailed a practice of service delivery in which the nurse practitioner or non-physician provider facilitated care services to the stable patients while the physician facilitated care for the medically complex patients (Rigolosi, 2013). Thus, none of the disciplines overlapped or supported the other in the working environment. Secondly, the sequential model of the interdisciplinary relationship entails the nurse or assistant physician performing the initial physical and historical examination of the patient. After gathering the initial findings over the patient, the physician takes responsibility for differential diagnosis and management. Additionally, the physician may take initial screen for complex patient cases. The shared model entails the professionals providing care for the patients on an alternating basis, without regarding the diagnosis or complexity of the care situation. These initial aspects of interdisciplinary relationship definition formulated the basis for establishment of additionally effective models of working. The latest models of the interdisciplinary relationship within the practice include collaborative practice models, teamwork system model and interdisciplinary